Step 1 Initial consultation

Please contact us via contact form as a first step.

Consulting request contents are summarized through the discussion in the first meeting. Based on the discussion in the meeting, the initial consulting plans are proposed, depending on the customer's request. 


Step 2 Initial consulting proposals

If the initial consulting proposals can be entertained, the summary including support method and retainer is suggested. It is decided whether the discussion regarding the consulting is continued or not, based on the suggested items.


Step 3 Meeting regarding the detail of consulting plans

Another meeting is opened if the proposed consulting suggestions can be entertained. The purpose of this meeting is to get the agreement about detail points about the consulting contents. No additional fee is not required if this meeting can be opened in Japan.


Step 4 Final proposals about the consulting contents

Pre-official consulting is proposed. Additional discussions or proposal modifications are also available.


Step 5 Execution of a contract

If the agreement regarding consulting contents and a contract is achieved, the consulting is started based on the contract.

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